Improving BRUV Methods in Costal Areas | - CCMAR -

Improving BRUV Methods in Costal Areas

Quarta, 15 Maio, 2019
Room 2.31 I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus

This seminar is about improving baited remote underwater video methods in coastal environments. Robyn's PhD focuses on the use of camera methods in dynamic coastal environments. The focus in the UK has been the implementation of these methods in low visibility environments and has included the use of a clear lens optical chamber (cloc) and ARIS 3000 trials. Her research in the Algarve is looking into the influence of bait type.


About our speaker:

Robin Jones holds a PhD Biological Sciences, Swansea University 2017-Present, MSc Marine Environmental Protection, Bangor University 2013-2014. She came to CCMAR with the programme Assemble Plus.


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