Recent trend reversal for declining European seagrass meadows | - CCMAR -

Recent trend reversal for declining European seagrass meadows

Quarta, 23 Outubro, 2019
Sala 2.31a | Edifício 7 I Campus das Gambelas


Seagrass meadows, key ecosystems supporting fisheries, carbon sequestration and coastal protection are globally threatened. In Europe, loss and recovery of seagrasses are reported, but the changes in extent and density at the continental scale remain unclear. I will present an assessment on the trends of the extent and density of European seagrasses from 1869 to 2016, both for loss and recovery, and the causes of those changes.


About our speaker:

Carmen is an FCT post-doctoral research fellow at the CCMAR where she investigates seagrass ecosystems to support their conservation.


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