New biosensor for CCMAR | - CCMAR -

New biosensor for CCMAR

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

CCMAR now has the first switchSENSE® biosensor in the Iberian Peninsula. Acquired through the EMBRC.PT project, this state-of-the-art equipment will greatly enhance our research capacity to analyse molecular interactions and biophysic parameters in real time, with extreme precision and high sensitivity. This equipment is especially relevant for those working in the fields of biotechnology, biomedicine, chemistry and biochemistry, structural biology, enzymology, pharmacy and even aquaculture (e.g.: for food uptake and drug delivery activities).

Join us in the public presentation of this new equipment and find out how it can elevate your research.


October 24 I 10 a.m.

Sala de Seminários da Reitoria of UAlg


Consult the equipment description here.


Type of Event 