Best practices for Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde operation | - CCMAR -

Best practices for Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde operation

Friday, July 3, 2020
Course Description 

The goal is to familiarize users with the new EXO probe units, with datalogger and various sensors and accessories for oceanographic, estuarine, or surface water applications.

The EXO2 probe is one of the new generation of multi-parametric probes from YSI. It was designed to guarantee maximum flexibility and reliability to users, whether in the materials used in its construction or in the anti-vegetative accessories that allow the installation of the probes permanently, without loss of quality of the measured values.


The event will be held on July 3rd, at 09:30 in the Building 7, Gambelas Campus. Participation is free, upon registration. Registrations are open until 2nd of July 2020, 12h30.
Use of mask is required. Participants must keep 1,5 m of social distance.



Best practices to work with a versatile multiparameter EXO2 sonde for oceanographic, estuarine, or surface water applications. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific EXO2 sonde configurations and different available sensors, considering their research interests and applications.

Face-to-face training, with the probes and use of some videos (Youtube channel YSI) in order to use all the equipments with maximum safety and confidence in the results obtained.

Theoretical aspects and practical demonstration of the equipment:

  • 1st contact with the probe 
  • Identification of essential parts
  • Mounting tools and accessories
  • Anti-vegetative protection
  • Cables and correct installation
  • PC software - KOR EXO
  • Bluetooth communication
  • EXO Hand Held Datalogger
  • Reading modes
  • Sensor calibration
  • Data transfer
  • Questions / answers.
Intended Audience 
Future users of this equipment, users of previous YSI multiparametric sondes models.
Scientific Organisation 

António Monteiro da Silva

Oilwater Industrial - Serviços E Representações, S.A
Licenciado em Bioquímica pela Universidade de Coimbra. Exerceu desde 1992, funções de técnico comercial de equipamentos de laboratório, nas áreas da potenciometria, espetrofotometria, voltametria, fluorescência e química analítica, equipamentos de processo, monitorização ambiental em contínuo e controlo e análise de águas. Desde 2016 é especialista de produto YSI na Oilwater Industrial - Serviços e Representações S. A. Conceção de sistemas integrados com sondas, medição em continuo e envio dos valores medidos por telemetria. Experiência na programação, manutenção a apoio técnico aos...
Type of Training 
Advanced Training
Presentation Language  